Registration Form Questions

What can I use to pay for my registration?

      Online: All major credit/debit cards

      Paper registration: Check or money order.

      Can I use CashApp, Paypal, Venmo  etc?  We're sorry, no. 

I want to pay for three other campers but don't know who I'm bringing yet.  How do I do this?  You will need to use a paper registration. We will need their information when you check in to Camp Daddy Allen. 

Where can I get a paper registration? Toward the bottom of the homepage screen on this website.

How much is it to bring my child?  Children under 12 are free. Please note: The parent or guardian is responsible for their children at all times.

How do I enter my child under 12 in the online form? Enter the child's name and age in the box "Cabin Mates and Special Requests" on the first page of the registration form.

Check In

What time does Check In begin? 3:00pm Friday July 18, 2025

Food Questions:  (Also see the tab for Food Information)

Can I bring a covered Dish to share? Mindi needs to plan the meals for around 140 campers so a covered dish would NOT work. What is GREATLY appreciated are snacks.  Especially homemade treats :).


Are pets allowed? Sorry, no pets allowed.

Clothing/Shoes/Bathing Suits

What should I bring to wear? Be sure to check the weather. It usually gets chilly at night in the heavily wooded Camp Daddy Allen. 

What shoes do I bring? There is walking involved at the campout. We're in the woods and use trails. You may find flip flops a bit challenging :). 

Do I need a bathing suit and towel? There is a pool and a beach available. The traditional Rubber Chicken Meeting is held in the pool. You may instead choose  to attend the hands on craft hour held in the dining hall.  You might get looked at funny if you wore a bathing suit to this option :).


Can I bring my bike/e-bike? Yes you can.

P.S. We will continue to add to this section as questions roll in!

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